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3.   Mahdi Ben Ghorbel, Haewoon Nam, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,  "Soft Cooperative Spectrum Sensing Performance Under Imperfect and Non-Identical Reporting Channels,"   IEEE Communications Letters,  vol. 19,  no. 2,  pp. 227-230,  Feb. 2015
2.   Haewoon Nam, Nasir Saeed, Mahdi Ben Ghorbel, and Mohamed-Slim Alouini,  "Primary User Localization and Uplink Resource Allocation in OFDMA Cognitive Radio Systems,"   IET Communications,  vol. 9,  no. 8,  pp. 1131-1137,  May. 2015
1.   Nasir Saeed and Haewoon Nam,  "Robust Multidimensional Scaling for Cognitive Radio Network Localization,"   IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,  vol. 64,  no. 9,  pp. 4056-4062,  Sep. 2015

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